For ongoing support with the use of Whanau Tahi:
The oversight of Whānau Tahi Shared Care for Northland/Te Taitokerau will move from the Northland District Health Board and sit with Mahitahi Hauora PHE, who can be contacted at 09 438 1015.
For most queries/requests/issues, you can contact the Shared Care helpdesk at 0800 268 626 or at You should also contact them if you have new staff that need access to Whānau Tahi, or if you have staff that are leaving and need to be removed from Whānau Tahi.
For technical issues or questions with your computer hardware or using Concerto, contact the NDHB helpdesk at 09 430 4101 ext. 7469 or when Whānau Tahi is used within Concerto.
Whanau Tahi Support Flow Chart - Secondary Care